The CD's on Luegallee are the only way I could have listened to the concert that never happened at Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Düsseldorf Oberkassel. I did not notice that the concert is actually taking place in another church in Düsseldorf.
The CD's on Luegallee are the only way I could have listened to the concert that never happened at Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Düsseldorf Oberkassel. I did not notice that the concert is actually taking place in another church in Düsseldorf.
Scaffolding over Auferstehungskirche
Crime scene of Änne Goldhausen
August 12th 1929
The original letters
The old cafe Kürten in now Mango
The first "official" murder by Kürten
A sewing machine in Köln
Attempted murder on Bertastraße
An innocent bench in Volksgarten
Still a fire department
A vampire at Rheinkirmes
No concert at the church tonight
A hiding place at church
Rheinkirmes 2022 active
Exhibition outside NRW FORUM
New fence at the park
A factory reminder
Kino chairs
A day at the church
Rheinkirmes 2022
Lens malfunction
Grass on the railway
Window in Feldkirch
A family photo where you least expect it
On the way to Volmerswerth
A dove in Oberkassel
Stolpersteine in Ergo-Platz
Sheep on the Rhein bank
34 minutes, 2.7 km